The prospects for a program for birth control in the villages has had some promising developments. Dr. Djerassi, who twice has arranged to have free medicines sent to me from Syntex of México, put me in touch with Dr. Jorge Martínez-Manatou, director of research from México’s social security program. Dr. Martínez-Manatou is one of the few persons in the circles of the Mexican government who is unequivocally in favor of his country taking some definite, positive measures in a national program of birth control. He became quite excited about my work and observations in the barrancas of Sinaloa, especially with the results of our censuses. In addition to the census I took in Ajoya (see Report #4) two of the students took a poll in Bordontita in which the response of the people was even more strikingly in favor of birth control. Dr. Martínez-Manatou asked me to prepare a formal letter, in Spanish, explaining the population difficulty in the villages and the readiness of the people to accept birth control measures. He said he would personally present the letter to the national director of health and welfare in México City, and make a big push to have the government sanction of a pilot program of birth control in my region of Sinaloa. The letter has been in sent and the gears are in motion, but slowly. Whether or not the program will be OK’d is still indefinite.