Health Care in Societies in Transition: A New and Unique Publication

“Health Care in Societies in Transition” is the report of a conference by the same title, held in Managua, Nicaragua in December, 1991. The conference, which was attended by health activists from throughout the Third World, gave rise to the International People’s Health Council (IPHC), a global network of progressive health movements, programs, and activists.* The conference participants examined the major political, social, and economic factors that are impacting people’s health in developing countries today, ranging from the International Monetary Fund’s structural adjustment policies to the US-dominated “New World Order.” The group also discussed ways to surmount the obstacles standing in the way of “health for all.” The conference report is an abbreviated record of this sweeping, penetrating analysis. It is available in English (117 pp) and Spanish (145 pp). To order, please send us $8.00 per copy (California residents, add 7.25% tax).

For more information on the IPHC and how to become involved, write to the Hesperian Foundation or to Maria de Zuniga / CISAS / Apdo. 3267 / Managua, Nicaragua.

Learn Spanish from Disabled Rehabilitation Workers in Mexico!

The intensive Spanish courses offered at Project PROJIMO are off to a good start. But they need more students—especially disabled persons, rehabilitation workers, and activists. If you know of anyone who might be interested in taking part in such a program, please let them know of this valuable and unique resource. For more information, please refer to the blue brochure enclosed with this newsletter.

New Self-Help Publications Developed with Hesperian’s Input

  • Adding Health to Years: A Basic Handbook on Older People’s Health is the first handbook on older people’s health aimed specifically for use in developing countries. It is written by Gill Garrett, a British nurse, and has been reviewed by an international panel to ensure its usefulness by health workers and family carers throughout the world. David Werner, who wrote the preface to the book, calls it “a valuable tool to help maintain the health, dignity, and contribution of older people…” 160 pp. To order this book contact: HelpAge International / St James Walk / London EC1R OBE / U. K. The price is US$5.00 for developing countries and US$16.00 for developed countries, plus 20% postage and packing.

  • In Massage for Healthier Children by Marybetts Sinclair—a massage therapist who has helped teach at PROJIMO—explains the value of massage for all children, including those with special needs. The author covers such important topics as communication and attitude during massage, and the use of massage to help with a range of disabilities and discomforts. Clear and well illustrated instructions are given for doing a full body massage. This book is a useful resource for physiotherapists, medical and rehabilitation workers, parents, and anyone else wishing to give care and comfort to others. 110 pp. This book is available at your local bookstore for $15.95.

  • Aches and Pains: Living with Arthritis and Rheumatism by Janie Hampton, provides information on rheumatic diseases in a readable and understandable form for people all over the world. The book outlines a wide array of diseases, from arthritis, to tennis elbow, to fibrositis, to lupus. Suggestions are given for treatment and ways of coping for each one. A very useful resource for people with arthritis, those who care for them, health workers and other communicators of health messages. 69 pp. For ordering information, contact the author at Overseas Development Administration / 94 Victoria St. / London SW 1E 5JL / U.K.