I m p o r t a n t : We lost part of our current mailing list due to a computer glitch, and are trying to rebuild it. If there is any error in sending out this newsletter, or discrepency in number of issues due, please let us know. Thanks!

Please Note! If you prefer to receive future newsletters online, please e-mail us at: healthwrights@igc.org

Board of Directors
Trude Bock
Roberto Fajardo
Emily Goldfarb
Barry Goldensohn
Bruce Hobson
Donald Laub
Eve Malo
Myra Polinger
Leopoldo Ribota
David Werner
Jason Weston
Efraín Zamora
International Advisory Board
Allison Akana — United States
Dwight Clark — Volunteers in Asia
David Sanders — South Africa
Mira Shiva — India
Michael Tan — Philippines
Pam Zinkin — England
María Zúniga — Nicaragua
This issue was created by:
David Werner — Writing and Photos
Shefali Gupta — Technical Assistance
Trude Bock — Proofreading

It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society.
— J. Krishnamurti (1895-1986)