HealthWrights: Videos
HealthWrights projects—in Mexico and throughout the world—have been documented by filmmakers and videographers for decades. Here are a few already uploaded to Youtube. We are working on digitizing and uploading more.
Returning to Life After Spinal Cord Injury
PROJIMO, a group of disabled folks in Sinaloa Mexico, bring a very practical, educational and insprining video on living life after a spinal cord injury. Spanish with English Subtitles.
Community-Based Rehabilitation Workshop in Koraput, India
David Werner facilitates a CBR (community based rehabilitation workshop in Koraput, India in 2005. Participants learn to make assistive devices for selected disabled children.
On Our Own Road: The Story of PROJIMO
The Story of PROJIMO in Sinaloa Mexico. Tells the story of how Project PROJIMO got it’s start and what they do. It is the story of the disabled running a rehabilitation program for the disabled. In particular, it captures the period when PROJIMO moved its rehabilitation project to Coyotitian. The video is distributed by Healthwrights.
Community-Based Rehabilitation Workshop in Peru
David Werner puts on a CBR workshop in Lima Peru in 2009 to help participants to make assistive devices for selected disabled children.
Dr Bosco Alcívar Dueñas Interviews David Werner (in Spanish)
An interview in Spanish of David Werner, community heath and disability rights activist, with Dr. Bosco Alcivar, prominent Ecuadorian Pediatrician. David Werner is author of the best selling books Where There Is No Doctor and Disabled Village Children. Here he explore the underlying social determinants of health, and calls for radical change in the neoliberal market system that is widening the gap between rich and poor and endangering the future of life on this planet.