HealthWrights: Photo-Essays

Wheelchair Design at PROJIMO: Photographs and Memories of Maurits Zijp

Editor’s note: In 1999, David Werner invited Maurits Zijp, a student of industrial design from the Netherlands, to Ajoya with the help of Stichting Liliane Fonds, to help with the PROJIMO wheelchair program. From Newsletter #41: The Children’s Wheelchair Project has now essentially become self-sufficient. As the word gets out that low-cost wheelchairs are being designed and built for disabled children, requests are coming in from farther and farther away.

A Village of Second Chances: a Photo Essay by Lonny Shavelson

A Village of Second Chances: In the Backwaters of Mexico, Disabled People are Living Lives of Substance Lonny Shavelson San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday Punch. July 1, 1990. People with disabilities help each other move around the village.   The tiny and remove village of Ajoya, Mexico, is at the cutting edge of rehabilitation for disabled people in developing countries. Ajoya is a poor and dusty town in Mexico’s Sierra Madre Mountains.